

Pascual Del Vecchio dedicates his life to what he loves, olive trees and the production of olive oil together with his youngest son Miguel. One day, he finds his wife Graciela having sex with his accountant in the warehouse and his world falls apart. The shock causes him to collapse, leaving him in a coma for several days. When something has changed in him, Pascual is convinced that he is a mafia boss. From now on, anyone who stands in their way will be executed under the principles of the Sicilian mafia. His son and right-hand man: Miguel, is responsible for ensuring that his orders are carried out. Pascual orders ridiculous crimes that Miguel solves behind his back with dismissals and compensation, making his father believe that his orders are carried out, while he keeps his mother on an eternal trip through Europe.

Year: 2023
Duration: 90 minutes

Ficha técnica

Director: Luciano Leyrado
Cast: Juan Leyrado, Andrea Frigerio, Romina Fernandez, Ignacio Toselli, Pablo Musetti, Ornella Cattaneo.
Executive Producers: Rodolfo Lamboglia, Patricio Di Salvio and Juan Lamboglia
Screenplay: Luciano Leyrado, Agustin Rolandelli
Photography Direction: Federico Polleri
Art Direction: Lucía Rodriguez
Music: Gabriel Casacuberta
Editing: Agustin Rolandelli, Luciano Leyrado.
Sound: Fabián Oliver


Juan y Luciano Leyrado, unidos en un película sobre un mafioso de pacotilla

Oliva - Clarin

Juan Leyrado y su hijo Luciano hablan de "Oliva", una comedia que invita a disfrutar en familia

Oliva - CNN

Todos los famosos que fueron al avant premiere de la película Oliva

Oliva - Mendoza Online

Vidriera: de Andrea Frigerio a Mercedes Morán, los mejores looks de los famosos en la presentación de 'Oliva'

Oliva - Para Ti

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