Ustedes Deciden


A young actor, tired of acting failure, immerses himself in the world of Streaming, Influencers and Celebrities of social networks at any cost and regardless of the consequences to achieve “Success”. It will go through a series of absurd, dramatic, eccentric and comic events that give the immediate and banal popularity of social networks. Along this path, Nico will show us the voracity and consequences that exist in this virtual world, and what teenagers today yearn for as success and a way of life.

Year: 2023
Duration: 90 minutes

Ficha técnica

Director: Esteban Rey Cazes
Cast: Gastón Soffritti, Bárbara Lombardo, Luciano Leyrado
Executive Producers: Rodolfo Lamboglia, Patricio Di Salvio and Juan Lamboglia
Screenplay: Gastón Soffritti, Mariano Marquevich, Luciano Leyrado, Agustin Rolandelli, Esteban Rey Cazes
Production Management: Jean-Paul Bragard
Photography Direction: Federico Polleri
Art Direction: Lucía RodriguezMusic: Gabriel Casacuberta
Editing: Ariel Frajnd, Mariano Saban (EDA)
Sound: Fabián Oliver


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